Human Writing Report

Our Commitment

For months, OpenAI has talked about ‘watermarking’ their AI outputs to track when AI is used, but these commitments have not arrived. Instead of waiting for OpenAI to mark their content, we developed a way for you to ‘humanmark’ your writing — to preserve, share, and show the world the value of authentic human writing.

Certify Your Writing Now

We developed a proprietary writing pattern analyzer that is able to provide ground-truth assessments on whether a document was AI generated based on your writing process.

The report also contains helpful statistics such as a writing activity timeline, document lifespan, largest copy and pastes, average revision durations, and accounts for cases with multiple editors. When a document is written entirely without AI, the writing report shares both the writings stats, and a certification of human authenticity.

Collect Badges

Several human writing badges are available to be collected, encouraging writers to write more without AI and have fun in the process.writing_badges
Share Your Results
  • Click Share, to generate a shareable link for your readers and editors to access the writing report anywhere and everywhere.
  • Download visually awesome PDFs containing the writing report to access locally.
  • Delete the shareable links whenever.
  • For registered GPTZero users, you can also submit as evidence your writing report to change the results of GPTZero Origin scans to be 100% verified as human.
Accessing the GPTZero Writing Report

Whether students are sharing their writing to teachers, journalists to editors, content creators to their audience, all writers now have a valuable tool to not only assist them in verifying the authenticity of their work.

  • Available on Google Docs via downloading the GPTZero Origin Chrome Extension and opening any Google Document.
  • Soon to be available on Microsoft Word
Watch Real Human Writing

With GPTZero, you can also create a video as evidence of the document being written from start to finish. The video replay enables magical experience of watching the document made in a way that feels like watching the writer write.

  • Step by step video replay of all contributions to the document.
  • Designed with highest grade security and data privacy in mind. Your writing process data is never shared with third parties.
Submit as Evidence

Submit your writing report to GPTZero, and we will verify, accept it as evidence of human writing, and protect it from being illegally used by ML companies to train their models without your consent.

This means, the results of GPTZero scans for that article will be changed to verified human. In addition, our machine learning team will monitor LLM training companies, and inform you if and whenever your preserved content is being co-opted by an AI company for training.

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The Protect Your Writing feature is currently being rolled out to a select community of students, writers, and journalists: